I don’t know about you, but I LOVE to; write, do yoga, stretch, and generally do my deep thinking to instrumentals. The fact that I have an incredibly talented network of musicians leaves me with a playlist of “beats” that pretty much occupies all my listening time, and when I’m not on them, I often turn toward youtube channels. One of those channels is a LOFI playlist by a station called HOMEWORK RADIO.
I was recently practicing for our upcoming set at LIB, and was listening to the instrumental of our song “WAIT IT OUT”. This song, minus the vocals, really highlights the incredible flute solo of KARL D (KDTU, Greyboy Allstars, Rolling Stones), and i thunk aloud: “….man, people would get some good grades studying to this bad boy.”…with that in mind, I sent it over to the homie at Homework Radio to see if he dug.
He liked it enough to premier it the next day!
The full song will be on our debut EP, dropping sometime in the next few months, however if you’re interested in vibing on the instrumental, plz subscribe to HOMEWORK RADIO on youtube and follow the link to the leaked INSTRUMENTAL-